Property Management Secretarial Services
Levytate property management secretarial services assists with meeting administration, procedures, and compliance. Our record keeping and storage is top notch and fully compliant.
Arranging and attending the Annual General Meeting of the owners.
Taking minutes of the Annual General Meeting and distributing same to all owners on the approval of the Chairperson.
Attending Trustees meetings when requested by the Trustees.
Taking minutes of the Trustees meetings.
Assisting and advising the Trustees on all the procedural matters for general meetings, Special General Meeting’s, proxies, quorums, resolutions and voting rights.
Attending to the drafting of proxies, nominations and agendas for general meetings as well as preparing and sending notices for all meetings.
- Storing the minute books, attendance registers, the register of sectional bondholders, sectional plans, management rules, conduct rules, insurance policies and all other pertinent records of the Body Corporate.
Keeping records of the administration and management of the affairs of the Body Corporate and the Scheme in accordance with generally accepted practice including electronic storage of information.